Pet Dental Health

February is Pet Dental Health Month!

Let’s go out on a limb and say that no one likes bad breath, decaying teeth or excessive drooling – all are signs of poor oral hygiene in humans AND in pets. As pet owners, we owe it to our four-legged friends to ensure they are healthy and happy, which means regular dental screenings and preventative care. Start by checking your pet’s gums and teeth once a week, looking for signs of inflammation and tartar build up. Gums should be pink (not red, white or swollen). Excessive tartar buildup can lead to a receding gum line, and eventually tooth loss. Bad breath and excessive drooling are also signs of oral disease that should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian.

Some veterinarians recommend daily teeth brushing or a combination of dental hygiene chews (e.g., rawhide, hard rubber or nylon chew toys) and brushing every other day. To brush your pet’s teeth, start by getting a special pet tooth brush or by wrapping your finger in gauze; at a 45 degree angle, clean in a small circular motion and focus on the side of the teeth that touches the inner cheek (as this is where the majority of tartar buildup occurs). Additionally, regular visits to a Veterinary Dentist for ultrasonic teeth cleaning can go a long way to improve your pet’s overall dental health.

Finally, perhaps the best preventative care is a proper diet – high quality pet food is essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. While there is a general belief that soft food is more likely to lead to periodontal disease, research is lacking to support this view. What veterinarians do agree on is that a diet without harmful additives is the best preventative care you can give to your pet. Evanger’s Super Premium Chicken Dinner with Kale and Spinach is a wonderful complement to your pet’s dental health, providing high quality nutrients through fresh USA sourced protein, produce, and chelated vitamins and minerals for maximum health benefits. So remember – checking those gums, brushing those teeth, and feeding nutritious food will all help maintain your pet’s pearly white smile!

Evanger's Super Premium Dinners
