Evanger's Tip: How Nutrition Can Help Reduce Shedding

Photo: Allysa T.
While some canines like German Shepherds are prolific shedders, others have shed-resistant fur. But even shed-resistant dogs do shed. Shedding is affected by several factors including weather, seasons, grooming and a pet’s overall health. If you feel your breed sheds more than normal, consult your veterinarian to rule out undiagnosed health issues. Because the coat is an important barometer for pet health, monitoring its condition is an important habit for pet parents to develop.

Here are a few tips to help reduce shedding in your four-legged family member.

Through Grooming

· Control Fleas – Canines with flea issues will scratch incessantly, losing fur in the process. Keeping your dog flea-free helps prevent dandruff, irritated skin and excessive shedding.

· Brush Regularly – Aside from eliminating excessive fur, a daily or every-other-day brushing ritual helps to make her coat cleaner and softer, improving tangles and mattes.

· Utilize De-shedding Tools – Be sure to use de-shedding tools just prior to spring as your dog’s winter coat begins to thin out, and again before Fall, when the coat begins to rebuild layers. Remember that dogs living indoors most or all of the time may shed year round. Dogs with thick or long coats likely require tools like an undercoat de-matting rake or shedding blade. Canines with short coats can benefit from a simple rubber currycomb.

· Bathe Regularly – While over-bathing may cause dry skin and fragile fur, regular bathing encourages loose hair to fall out in the bathing area instead of on furniture. During cooler months, provide long-coated canines a blow-drying on the lowest setting.

Through Nutrition

· Clean, Fresh Water – Dehydration often leads to dry skin that ultimately causes excessive shedding and even illness. Be sure your dog always has access to plenty of clean, fresh water. Also consider incorporating moist foods into her diet. Canned or “wet” dog food helps pets stay hydrated by sneaking in extra moisture through diet. Stews for dogs and stews for cats, especially, provide some of the highest moister content.

· Omega 3 – Omega 3 fatty acids in fish such as Wild Salmon will help condition the skin and create a healthier, shinier coat that sheds less. Consider adding fresh Salmon to your pet’s regular diet, especially during shedding season.

· Fresh Ingredients – Sliced apples, cucumbers, and bananas, as well as cooked lean meats are moisture and nutrient rich foods that help maintain hydration and reduce shedding. Consider using these foods as treats, or look for canned pet dinners that contain fresh moisture-rich produce and meats.

· High Quality Diet – Canines with food allergies are especially prone to shedding. It is important to keep the skin and hair follicles strong and healthy for the best coat maintenance. Seek out foods that list real muscle meat as the main ingredient.

For a diet rich in protein, helps prevent allergies and is packed by hand, Evanger’s Grain Free Braised Beef Chunks with Gravy combines tender chunks of beef, market fresh vegetables and nutritious gravy. Other delectable flavors include Chunky Chicken Casserole and Wild Salmon meal supplement. For healthy snacks, Evanger’s Freeze Dried Treats include Beef Liver, Hearts, Tripe, Lungs and Tongue. With Evanger’s dog foods and snacks, your pet will enjoy the taste and you’ll appreciate the health benefits!
