We learned about this tragic dog attack back in January 2016. Annie the Poodle's attack left her without use of her jaw, and she was in critical care. Annie required a feeding tube to stay alive because her jaw was shattered. Evanger's donated all of the canned food that Annie would need to stay alive, and able to provide the nutrients Annie needed during her recovery. We are so proud to present an update that after 1 year, Annie was not only recovered, but able to pursue her dream of being shown in the show ring!
We received this note from Annie's mom and grand-mom, Ashley K. and Angela P.:
Annie was attacked January 11, 2016 at the age of 4 months. In the attack she sustained a fractured nose and broken jaw. She was rushed to Deschutes Animal Hospital where she spent three days in ICU; we didn't know if she was going to make it. Due to the severity of the break in her jaw and how close it was to the bottom of her skull, she was transfered to Olympia Specialty Veterinary Clinic with Dr. Mowat whom was her primary Vet. Surgery wasn't really a good option so Annie had to have her muzzle taped closed with a handmade type of muscle that supported and held her jaw in place because her jaw had to be completely closed.
Annie in ICU - Drs nor Annie's family knew if she would survive the attack. Her muzzle had to be taped closed.

Dr. Mowat had to insert a feeding tube so that she could eat. She had a feeding tube for 3 weeks. She had to be fed 5 times a day with blended canned food, which Evangers Dog Food Company was so awesome for donating all of the food that we needed for her recovery! After 3 weeks we were able to have the muzzle loosened, and the feeding tube removed. She was still required to eat canned food that was blended because she could only lap up the food. She had an x-ray in between to make sure that there was no over calcification of the bones and that everything was growing in place. She continued to have her muzzle for another 4 weeks. She then had a recheck at Olympia specialty Vet with Dr. Gustafson, who told us the good news: Annie could have her muzzle off! I was given the ok to start mixing solid food into her canned food. It has been about 5 weeks now and she is doing great! She is now eating regular kibble, she plays with the toys and loves to bark!

Annie has made a full recovery although she may not be able to pursue her show carreer due to her bite being off. She has almost full range of motion in her jaw and she won't have any long-lasting problems. Thanks to all the donations of food from Evangers, and funds from complete strangers and friends, Annie was able to get the care that she needed to heal! There are no words the can express our gratitude. THANK YOU!!!!!!
Annie happily at home nearly 1 year after the attack |
Ashley, a very special and loving dog mom who was Annie's caretaker throughout this ordeal |
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