Keeping your dog active

How to keep your dog active and the benefits activity provides for your canine companion.

Exercise is important for everyone, including your dog. The benefits of staying fit are innumerable and not just for physical reasons, for mental reasons, too. The only problem is it gets quite difficult to fit in some canine cardio when you’ve been at work all day and the temperature is dropping. No matter how hectic your life gets though, there are a plethora of reasons to pick yourself and your pooch up and get active.

Boredom Beater
First and foremost, dogs must burn their extra energy in a healthy way or they will become destructive. When your dog is bored you can bet he or she will do whatever they must to occupy themselves. Since they can’t walk themselves, it is your duty as the owner to ensure they stay as active as they need to. If that means waking up an hour earlier to get a walk in, the loss of sleep will surely be better than the loss of personal property courtesy of your loving dog. Exercise is also a way for dogs to sharpen their senses and stay mentally alert. As the saying goes if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it and this goes for animals as well. Animals, dogs were born to exercise, whether they weigh two pounds or 200. Being active has a satisfying, calming effect on a pup and can assist in keeping them trouble free.


