February is Pet Dental Health Month

Brushing the Dog's Teeth © Dreamstime.com
Now is the time to schedule that checkup for your pet, get the teeth examined, and professionally cleaned if necessary. Many veterinary offices offer specials on dental cleanings during February.
Each year, February is designated as Dental Health month for pets and for kids. Both campaigns promote awareness not only about how good dental health promotes overall health, but also how to properly care for your pet's (and kids) teeth.

Good dental health for life
February isn't the only time to think about good oral health, though. Keeping your pet's teeth and gums in good shape has many more benefits than simply fresh breath - although that is very important, too!

Start now
Now is the time to schedule that checkup for your pet, get the teeth examined, and professionally cleaned if necessary. Many veterinary offices offer specials on dental cleanings during February.

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